PANION for E-Truck Fleets – Operational continuity and stability for electric road freight transportation

The electrification of road freight transportation is challenging existing operating models – PANION puts logistics companies back in control

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The operational challenge 

With tight and operational dependencies, fluctuating schedules and low margins, heavy vehicle logistics companies need to ensure business continuity and operational reliability. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is a key decision factor. Switching to electric vehicles requires automated systems to plan, execute, monitor and adjust operations in real time.

The solution

PANION’s charge management for E-Truck Fleets is creating operational context and connecting the dots. It enables fleet operators to

  • focus on the core business – real-time integration and interaction with the existing Transport Management System (TMS) of the logistics company – allowing for on-time and stress-free delivery through intelligent charge management
  • focus on the vehicle – real-time integration with the vehicle telemetry, accounting for and anticipating the vehicle realties on the road and at the depot
  • save cost through optimized charge timing
  • save battery health by keeping the charging power as low as possible, using all of the available time until the next tour

A Case Study

ASKO – All-in with e-Mobility for Commercial Fleets 

Since 2020, ASKO have grown their battery-electric truck fleet from 10 to more than 120 vehicles. Another 100 electric trucks are planned to be added to the fleet in 2024 alone thereby continuing the journey to a fully, fossil-free transportation by 2026. 
ASKO trucks in a row charging at charge points

Let’s start a coversation

Markus Kröger, Managing Director, K2 Mobility

Markus Kröger

Managing Director

Ulrich Kalex, Managing Director, K2 Mobility

Dr. Ulrich Kalex

Managing Director

K2 Mobility GmbH, Inhaber: Dr. Ulrich Kalex, Markus Kröger (Firmensitz: Deutschland), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.
K2 Mobility GmbH, Inhaber: Dr. Ulrich Kalex, Markus Kröger (Firmensitz: Deutschland), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.